by GeoToys
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GeoPuzzles are jigsaw puzzles that make learning world geography fun. The pieces of a GeoPuzzle are shaped like individual countries, so children learn as they put the puzzle together. Award-winning Geopuzzles help to build fine motor, cognitive, language, and problem-solving skills, and are a great introduction to world geography for children 4 and up. Designed by an art professor, jumbo sized and brightly colored GeoPuzzles are available for 5 major continents.
GeoPuzzles are jigsaw puzzles that make learning world geography fun! The pieces of a GeoPuzzle are shaped like individual countries, so children learn as they put the puzzle together! Geopuzzles help to build fine motor, cognitive, language, and problem-solving skills, and are a great introduction to world geography for children 4 and up. Designed by an art professor, jumbo sized and brightly colored GeoPuzzles will soon be available for all 5 major continents. GeoPuzzles are durable and come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. They are made from recycled material, because we wouldn't want to tear up the earth to teach kids about it :-) Asia GeoPuzzle has 50 pcs, and is 19"x16".