by The Classics
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The CLAW is a simple, fun, affordable and effective way to teach young children how to hold their pencil correctly and comfortably. All children, including those with Autism, ADHD, developmental disabilities, learning disabilities and general fine motor delay can all benefit from using the C.L.A.W. When using the C.L.A.W., students can focus on good handwriting rather than the mechanics of holding the pencil. Builds the positive habit of an efficient pencil grasp which produces improved handwriting. The C.L.A.W is used in school settings and pediatric clinic settings across the nation. The Classics school, office and art supplies are useful, high quality items that are great for school, home and offices. They are available in assortments of bright, vibrant colors and integrate both new unique ideas with traditional must haves. Fits Left or Right Hand. The CLAW is F.D.A. approved and is recommended by Occupational Therapists, Teachers & Principals. Even works for holding forks, spoons, and paint brushes for people with hand disabilities. Latex-free, patented design.