by Snail Sakk
1 used & new from $35.95
(Visit the Best Sellers in Mail Sorters list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Snail Sakk� (Patent Pending): The "Snail Mail" Pouch For Mail Slots is a machine washable, microfiber suede mail pouch that attaches to the interior side of a door or wall with a mail slot and catches the "snail mail" rather than it falling to the floor. It's very easy to install - Included in every package are two strips of adhesive velcro to attach Snail Sakk to your door/wall (No screws, nails or brackets). Simply center the velcro strips above and below the mail slot 3.75" apart (give or take a quarter inch). Then place up the Snail Sakk, and VOILA! You're done. Snail Sakk comes in 3 neutral colors - chocolate, tan and cream - and is beautifully embroidered. It lays flatly against your door or wall, therefore is very space efficient, especially for tight entry ways. Your mail may be accessed from either the left or right sides or by pulling down one of the top corners. Snail Sakk can also be easily taken down and transported to wherever you choose to open your mail. The pouch is about 22" long x 16.25" wide and fits all standard horizontal mail slots - magazine & letter size. If you have a hooded mail slot, it will bulge the sakk out a bit and may throw off the distance of where the velcro strips should be placed; Therefore, I would suggest replacing the hooded plate for a flat plate, or not having any plate at all being that the sakk covers the slot opening anyhow. Also, for ease of mail insertion, an open interior plate (no flap) is recommended. Snail Sakk holds a very good quantity of mail, and can carry a notable amount of weight (such as several, thick catalogues in addition to the regular mail). This inventive new product keeps your mail safe from foot traffic damage, concealed from view, and off the floor so you don't have to strain your back picking the mail up every day. Works great on garage doors too! BONUS: A FREE letter opener with magnifier & ruler comes in every package!