by Elmo
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The advent of high-quality, reliable visual presentation is at your fingertips with the Elmo TT-02RX Teachers Tool. This compact and portable presenter is designed specifically for educational applications with high-quality imagery reproduced by its 1.39MP CMOS sensor, 30FPS blur-free motion video and SXGA, WXGA, XGA selectable output resolutions. The included Image Mate 2.0 software and built-in USB 2.0 interface offers video and audio recording capabilities when connected to your PC. Its lens features a 5.2x optical zoom, 8x digital zoom and auto focus; and optimum image exposure on the (11 x 17") shooting base is achieved with its auto brightness functionality and a built-in white LED lamp. In addition, it features an SD/SDHC card slot, easy integration with microscopes, picture-in-picture display, intuitive on-board menu and an IR remote control. Moreover, the Elmo TT-02RX has the added benefit of increasing overall student enjoyment which can often result in higher test scores. Studies show that information can be more easily retained through the use of digital images. Also, this presenter can interface with a wide variety of displays including televisions and digital projectors, as well as being able to input directly from a laptop or PC computer.