by Sharp
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The Sharp EL-1197P drum printing calculator is an indispensable tool forheavy offices uses. The EL-1197P has a large 10-digit blue fluorescent display and prints characters in black at 3 lines per second on standard paper rolls.
The EL-1197P has four-key memory (memory plus, memory minus, andrecall/clear) and special functions keys including grand total, addingmode, constant, double zero key, mark-up/profit-margin key, item counter, androunding settings. Rely on Sharp's independent memory for consistentreckonings. Decimal settings are adjustable from floating to fixed decimalplaces (6-3-2-1-0).
The EL-1197PIII is a heavy duty desktop printing calculator with 12-digit display and 2 color printing. It prints at approximately 4.3 lines per second in 2 colors. AC powered with clock,calendar and time calculation.