by Lights of America
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Best Gift For Youself or Loved Ones. Benefits of full spectrum Lighting: 1) Increases contrast in Reading. 2) Increase release of seratonin a hormone linked to an improved feeling of well being. 3) Increases vitamin D production in skin, which helps the body efficiently use calcium. 4) Render color much more accurately. 5) Reduce levels of melatonin, a harmone that promotes fatigue. About the Bulb: 1) Color Temprature 6500Kelvin. 2) High lumen output of 1800. "Your light is as good as number of Lumens it provides". 3) Long lamp life of 10,000 hours. 4) Energy usage of 27 watts, light output of 150 watts. 5) 120 Volt AC 50/60Hz. Touch On/Off Switch. If you prefer Rocker On/Off Switch please search the following ASIN B004BABXYM. Certifications CSA, CCSA, FCC ROHS.