by Texas Instruments
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We're definitely taking this along with us the next time we shop for a house. Though it takes a little effort to master the collection of financial worksheets available on the Texas Instruments BA II Plus, you'll be glad you invested the time and money in this fine financial calculator.
The BA II Plus operates in standard calculator and worksheet modes. The standard mode lets you perform common math as well as operations involving the time value of money--that is, applications such as mortgages or annuities in which payments are equal and evenly spaced. You can also perform trigonometric functions in standard mode.
The more hard-core worksheet mode includes tables for amortization, bond, depreciation, and compound interest. If you're not familiar with such calculations, the very helpful user's manual will guide you through the process. All previous worksheet values are stored in memory, so you don't have to retype all the bond maturity or cash flow analysis figures.
The average user who wants to calculate a basic loan payment will be more comfortable working in the standard calculator mode. We were using the BA II Plus tools for calculating basic interest and payment periods within minutes. Still, it's good to know that the more advanced features are available for those who require heavy-duty financial computing.
Finance students and average users alike will find much to like in the Texas Instruments BA II Plus. --John Frederick Moore
The BA II PLUS, our most popular financial calculator for business professionals and students. With Time Value of Money, uneven cash flow analysis, and advanced statistics, the BA II PLUS is perfect for applications in finance, accounting, economics, investment, statistics, and more. See the list of features to see why the BA II PLUS provides a great return on your investment.