by Texas Instruments
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Developed hand-in-hand with educators worldwide and built on proven educational graphing technology and methods, the Texas Instruments Ti-nspire CAS Graphing Calculator represents the latest development in advanced educational tools. Some this calculator's unique features let you see multiple representations of a problem individually or together on a single screen and the ability to dynamically link representations of a problem to see how changes to one affect other problems. This calculator also lets you grab and move graphed functions in real time to observe relationships and patterns, and the calculator saves work in documents, similar to a computer. Ideal for classroom use, the calculator's press-to-test feature blocks access to certain geometry features not allowed on exams. You can use this TI graphing calculator on the PSAT and SAT college entrance exams and on AP tests.
Texas Instruments Instruments TINSPIRECAS Graphic Calculator NSCAS/PWB/1L1 Calculators