by Ott-lite
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Illuminate large workspaces with the powerful and versatile OttLite Craft Plus Floor Lamp. Specially designed to make seeing colors accurately and details clearly, OttLite 508 Illumination helps reduce eyestrain caused by glare and distortion. Perfect next to your worktable, chair or sewing machine, this lamp features a wide shade, sturdy yet lightweight base, and an adjustable flex neck to position the light right where you need it.
TrueColor lighting lets you see color, clarity, and detail like you've never seen before! This technology has revolutionized the way we view everything. For the first time, it's possible to see indoors as clearly as we do outside under natural daylight without the heat glare and distortion of ordinary artificial lighting. Mix & Match colors, accurately see details clearly, easy on the eyes, low heat, and energy efficient. Magnifying Swivel Lamp stands 10 feet tall and comes with 2 bases: a solid base, or a swivel base. Sturdy base, yet lightweight for easy portability to all your work areas. Magnifier arm extends from 7-1/4 to over 14" in length. Magnifier is stored in the top of the arm - simply flip the top open and rotate the magnifier down. Sliding magnifier portion can also be completely removed by sliding it off the end of the arm. Convenient handle for moving from room to room. Energy-efficient 24-watt tube included that lasts up to 10,000 hours. Decorator grey finish. Ideal for scrapbooking and crafts.