by LW Measurements
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Bigger Weighing Platform
Our weighing platform is 24% larger than most scales measuring 8 3/4" x 7 1/8". Please see the picture above showing the size of another scale compared to ours.
Other Great Features
Below are some of the features this scale has others don't.
Large back lighted display for ease of reading.
Auto off selectable. You can select if you want your scale to automaticly shut off or not.
You can set your scale to automaticly hold the weight on the display or you can press the hold button.
This scale will hold the weight for as long as 2 minutes or you can press the hold button to cancel the hold.
Even though you may never need to calibrate this scale you can if you need to. No special weights needed. Just use any known weight to calibrate this scale.
Low battery indicator
Scale Specifications
Overall measures 10 1/2" x 8 3/4" x 2 3/4"
Platform 8 3/4" x 7 1/8"
Weighs in - lbs & oz or lbs or oz or grams or kg
Capacity 35 lbs
0 lbs to 2 lbs x 0.1oz increments
2 lbs to 35 lbs x 0.2oz increments
Zero/Tare Feature
Operates on 6 AA bateries (not included) or A/C adapter included
Very Easy to use!!