by Mantra Lingua
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(Visit the Best Sellers in Spanish ESL Materials list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Follow caterpillar's transformation from a little egg into a very hungry caterpillar and then into a magnificent butterfly! On Monday he munches through one apple, on Tuesday two pears, Wednesday he gobbles through three plums... a timeless story adored by children and teachers. There is so much to discover in one little book! One of the best-selling children s book ever. Standard Focus: vocabulary development, comprehension. Adding this unique book to your classroom library or home increases the awareness of the diverse cultures of the world while providing a resource for teaching and learning English or another language. It also allows immigrant communities to retain their cultural distinctness while integrating into the American way of life. Perfect choice for families where English and another language is spoken. NOTE: Image shows Vietnamese/English. This title is Urdu/English.